McGill University. Office of the Principal (RG2) : Sir Arthur Currie : Functions at Other Universities and Institutions

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Functions at Other Universities and Institutions
RG2 Currie c43 file 349
Document original
McGill University Archives
Dates covered:1926-1933.
Docket titles: League of the Empire ; University of Washington ; Dr. William Waugh ; Stevens Institute of Technology ; Catholic University of America ; American Society of Mechanical Engineers ; Columbia University ; Anglo-American Conference of Historians ; University of California ; Case School of Applied Science ; Banting Institute Opening ; Second International Congress of the History of Science and Technology ; Dr. H.J. Keith ; Royal College of Physicians ; L'Université de Poitiers ; Ninth International Congress of the History of Medicine ; Pacific North West Medical Association ; Obligation of Universities to the Social Order, New York ; American Association for the Advancement of Science